About Fairview Polwarths
Our Aims
In continuing the tradition of Polwarth Sheep on Fairview, we aim to breed large framed upstanding sheep who produce quality wool as well as a good meat carcass. We do this by carefully selecting rams and engaging good animal husbandry practices throughout the year.
Registration of Stud
The stud was registered with the Polwarth Sheep Breeders Association of Australia Inc. in 2000 following the purchase of ewes and rams from Sazli, flock number 256.
Fairview is registered flock number 700 in the Polwarth Sheep Breeders Association of Australia stud book.
From 2003-2009 rams purchased from the successful Mt Alma (flock 294, SA) stud injected size and improved the frame of ewes who are now robust and upstanding. Between 2011 and 2016, the use of Homeleigh (flock 213, Heathcote, VIC) rams increased wool quality and density in the flock. A line of Coree (flock 165, NSW) ewes purchased in 2013 and Homeleigh ewes purchased in 2016 have added further breadth and depth to the genetics of the flock.

Australian Sheep & Wool Show 2018
Supreme Champion Polwarth - Fairview Henry